Revivemachines sp. z o.o.
Expertise in detection algorithms, LPWAN communication, HW design & IoT vertical apps in the cloud.
TAIPEI, TAIPEI, Taiwan, Province of China
IWavenology is a pioneer in adopting AI-powered technology that combines efficient hardware architecture and signal processors. We have developed cutting-edge products using UWB: - iShield can detect errant drones and their operators simultaneously. - iPosition is a high- accuracy and real time positioning system, which is used in non-GPS and non-line-of-sight environment. It can identify the cm-accuracy locations of thousands of targets simultaneously within one second. iFollow provides the world’s first cost‐effective solution for the smart droid in consumer electronic market to achieve auto‐following function without using the conventional image recognition technology. iDistance is a social distancing assistant to fight against COVID-19 in the workplace.