Energy Design & Manufacturing
PowerFilm Solar

The Indoor/Outdoor e-peas Solar Development Kit (AEM-PF-EVK)

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Product Summary

The Indoor/Outdoor e-peas Solar Development Kit (AEM-PF-EVK) makes integrating indoor solar into electronics simple. It includes epeas high-performance energy harvesting PMIC with integrated power management designed and optimized for PowerFilm’s thin-film indoor and outdoor solar panels. The AEM-PF-EVK efficiently extracts energy from the solar modules, which can be stored in a rechargeable element while also providing two independent regulated voltages to power IoT devices. The integrated power management supports multiple storage element charge configurations, including, Li-Po, Li-ion, LiFePO4, Solid State, and Single/Double cell supercapacitors. Configurations are easily selected by moving pin jumpers to desired positions.

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